Our practice is located in the centre of the 2018 neighbourhood, a stone's throw from the city park and St. Vincentius Hospital.
2018 Antwerpen
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 8 A.M - 6 P.M.
Public transport
Tram stop 'Sint-Vincentius' (Line 4) is situated at about
150 m from the practice.
Tram stop 'Lange Leemstraat' (Line 2, 6 and 15) is situated at about 300 m from the practice.
Availability by phone
The practice can be reached by phone every working day, between 8 A.M. and 6 P.M..
For a short medical question you can reach your GP by telephone at certain times. Click here to see when your doctor is available by phone.
Doctor on call
In case of medical emergencies outside the opening hours, you can go to:
On Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: Huisartsenwachtpost Brabo or call 03 283 14 50.
At all other hours of the on-call service: call 03 283 14 50.